Monday, January 5, 2009

As Seen on TV

My Etsy sales are out of control! I've sold a total of 9 items, but 5 of them have been in the past two weeks! Still not making nearly enough to live off of or anything, but it feels kind of nice for people to like the stuff that I like. Sort of validating. Like I have good taste or something. It couldn't come at a better time either. Since I need to get my hair did like whoah, among other things.

I got a Ped Egg for Christmas, which I'm about to go try in the shower. My feet- sigh. I used to consider them one of my best features... creamy white with freakishly high arches. But, now I'm paying the price for those high arches and lots of pressure is being put on my heels which causes them to callous, so I'm constantly having to hack and sand them to keep them smooth. I got a pedicure about three weeks ago, but the effects are wearing off. My brother swears the Ped Egg will change my life. We'll see. I did get the snazzy pink breast cancer one, which is fun.

What's up with all the "As Seen on TV" items for sale lately? Doesn't there seem to be a huge influx? There's the Ped Egg and then there's the PediPaws (which my brother keeps calling the Petafile), which I could also use. Duke gets his nails done when he gets groomed, but Douglas doesn't need to be professionally groomed. He just needs his nails done and the groomer charges $12 for it. That's some BS. Doug hasn't been feeling well, so he's going to the vet tomorrow and I'll just get his nails clipped there for now.

I also kind of want the Snuggie. I don't know who came up with the idea of a blanket with sleeves, but they are a genius. The problem with the Snuggie is the colors.

ShamWow. I could use those too! I mean, how else am I supposed to dry my dishes or my boat?! ShamWows are dangerous though. You have to be super wary of imitators. Those imitators aren't even made in Germany! I've seen that commerical one too many times.


Jennifer said...

You crack me up. I got the ped egg for xmas, too. Must've been a hot gift idea! :) I've wanted one for months but couldn't bring myself to shell out the $9.99 to get it. Who doesn't love filing away dead skin on their nasty feet!?! I know I sure do.

I also want a shamwow. Paper towels are so dumb compared to the shamwow!

Anny said...

All of this stuff can be purchased at Walgreens with your gift card or at CVS with ECBs!!!