Monday, December 22, 2008

Extra Care

I did my first CVS Extra Care deal today and I started small. I bought two tubes of Crest toothpaste for $3 each, so $6 total and I got $4 in extra care bucks which I will spend on shampoo later this week when I run out. So, basically, I'm looking at $6 for two tubes of toothpaste and some shampoo. Not too shabby. I made sure to only buy something that I know that we will use like toothpaste and I will make sure to only spend the ECBs on something that I would buy anyway. I almost did this $15 worth of Coke products for $5 in ECBs deal too. The coke was on a super sale, so for $16, I could have gotten three 12 packs and four 2 liters. Hmmm.... I probably should have done that. I always buy soda when I grocery shop and that's a good deal and it would keep forever and then I could have gotten some free conditioner too... But, it's best to start small and $16 seems like a lot of spend on soda. So, for now, it's toothpaste and shampoo. I feel pretty good about it.


Jennifer said...

I haven't had time to go back and read all of your CVS posts but, I have been working the CVS system hard core for diaper deals over the last year. I ended up with enough diapers to get Cooper up to 6 months and NEVER paid full price for any of them. It's so fun, it's like a game to me. But, I do have to be careful to not go crazy buying things I don't need just because I'm gonna get some ECBs. Love CVS! The most fun is using a manufacturer's coupon in addition to the CVS deal and getting something for retardedly cheap. My fave.

Anny said...

There's a printable $3 off $15 CVS coupon out right now too - make the deal sweeter!