Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Leap of Faith

Okay, I've done it. I quit my job. Seriously. Me, the workaholic. I quit it without another job in place. I quit it all willy nilly, without a real plan. Naturally, I'm looking for another job now, so if you know something, please send it my way...

But in the meantime, while I'm looking for a job that I can stand, I'm also going to be on the lookout for myself. I've been so focused on my career for so long, that I don't really know who I am without it. But, I'm sick of getting my self-worth from other people. I am more than my job. At least, I hope that I am.

Loosely, my plan is this until I find something else- I'm going to persue freelance writing, for sure. That's something that I know I can make at least SOME money at. I'm also going to continue trying to further develop my vintage store, Overhead is the problem with that though. That stuff costs money to buy and very shortly, I'm not going to have any money. Hopefully, it can be self-sustaining from this point on. I can take the proceeds of the sales of the things that are listed now, and buy new things. I just have to start selling.

And finally, I'm going to work on my novel. My memiors actually. Stories about my crazy childhood, my crazy family and about how I ended up here, risking everything to find out who I am and what I really want from my life.

Is this a mid-life crisis? If so, I want to control the last half of my life, not have life run me. I want to make choices based on what I want and not what other people think I should do, or what is safe. Playing by the rules has gotten me nowhere and even though I don't have a real clear concept of who I am, I'm placing all my chips on myself.

Jennifer 2.0 is done downloading and it's time to begin the install.


sarahbella said...

I have been waiting for you to write your memoir! You can do it Bun!

Kelly Byrom said...

woohoo! freedom...although where is them mention of the kick ass cakes you are going to make? cus i have to say thats the part im most excited about.