is a great site for figuring out financial situations. They have a variety of calculators for playing around for money nerds. You can figure out how extra payments will affect your loan, figure out what your monthly payments should be on credit cards to pay them off in a particular amount of time and lots lots more. I used the credit card payoff calculator when we were paying off our cards several years ago and it was dead on. We were out of debt just when the calculator said we would be, and thank goodness we paid off our debt, because if we hadn't, we would not be able to survive in our current one income situation.
I'm totally ready to go back to work. Not only for financial reasons, but also because I need to feel like a productive member of society. There are many things that I enjoy about staying at home, but I would also enjoy shopping and remodeling my kitchen, which we've put off until I find a job. We worked really hard to get completely out of debt so that we could have more financial freedom and now my lack of income is preventing us for reaping the fruits of our efforts.
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