Monday, January 12, 2009


I suppose I need to get on Facebook. I get asked if I'm on it several times a week. I'm hesitant to join for a couple of reasons- I jumped into Friendster years ago, then My Space, then Linked In and they are all really popular and then sort of fade away and never amount to anything except maybe some awkward emails from old classmates that you barely remember. Also, the last thing I want to do right now is spend more time on the Internet, and apparently Facebook is terribly addictive.

But, all the material I'm reading about how to find a job says that I need to join Facebook. Funny how being on My Space a few short years ago was considered a bad thing. I remember suggesting that the zoo get a My Space page and everyone freaked out and said that it wasn't something that we'd want to be associated with. In fact, when I asked the IT guy for access to My Space so that I could research what other local non-profits had My Space pages, he went to HR like I had asked him for access to pornography or something. My VP then confronted me and when I told her what I was thinking, she told me that I shouldn't be wasting my time with stuff like that, so I immediately went and disassociated my name with my My Space account. Not that there was anything scandalous on it- I was just afraid that being on My Space at all would be considered scandalous. N0t so with Facebook?

I'm 31. I'm not ready to fall off the technology radar, but somehow, I feel too old for it. Like it's for college kids or for trying to meet people to date, which being married, isn't exactly one of my current objectives.

Suddenly, I feel like my mom. "I don't need to learn how to use the email. I like typing letters!"


Jennifer said...

I'm with ya- no Facebook for me for the exact same reasons you stated. I'm not going to do it!! I refuse.

Anny said...

I'm not on facebook either. I'm a pretty private person and hate having all of my information out there for anyone who knows my full name or e-mail address to find.

(Also I have a terribly addictive personality and would totally spend my whole day cyberstalking people.)