Sunday, December 28, 2008

Merry Christmas

My Christmas was very merry! The gifts were abundant, both incoming and outgoing, despite this year's financial limitations. Among the most exciting gifts were Season 4 of Lost and Season 1 of Six Feet Under. I've never seen Six Feet Under, but always been told that I would love it, so I'm excited for it. Lost, undoubtedly will be fantastic. I've gone to great lengths to remain ignorant of this season because we enjoy watching tv on dvd so much more than we do during it's run.

I also got a substantial gift card to Target and I'm trying to decide between spending it responsibly on household goods or blowing it on junk that I want but wouldn't otherwise buy.

I have a busy day tomorrow- I need to mail off the Etsy purse I sold, do laundry bigtime, apply for a job that I'm really hopeful about and possibly hit up Target to see how that whole gift card thing shakes out.


Anny said...

Merry Christmas in a belated way :)

I prefer tv on dvd to live stuff too! My brother and I became insomniacs the week Lost came out. Let me know about 6 Feet, I'm still on the fence about that.

Blair said...

Have you watched SFU yet? Love it so. much.