Monday, December 29, 2008

NEW resuME

I actually turned down a freelance job this morning! It was a little more of a commitment than I'm looking for since I'm amping up my search for fulltime work.

I spent the morning retooling my resume and writing a new cover letter. The job market is different than the last time I was looking and although last time, my old resume and cover letter got me multiple offers, but I decided I needed an upgrade in this market, so I took a couple of hours and really focused on it, starting over from scratch. I would hire me. I would at least interview me.

After I was done, I sent it over to this really cool job for an environmenal organization that I'm interested in. I'm so superstitious. I can't decide if I should mention jobs that I'm applying for in this blog or not. In some ways, I want to claim the job, have everything think positive thoughts for me, etc, but in other ways, due to past failures, writing about potential jobs seems like a curse. Why, I don't know.

Today is my BFF's birthday. Happy Birthday, JenniferPants. Haha. That name cracks me up.


Jennifer said...

Hey, thanks! I had a fun bday. Bryan spoiled me- as usual. My favorite part was taking 2!! long, luxurious baths in the huge tub at the Twelve hotel. It was glorious.

Your job outlook sounds positive. Glad to hear it. You'll find what you are looking for, I know it.

Love you.

Anny said...

Go you! My resume has been exactly the same for years - guess I should redo the thing from scratch too *sigh*